Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Re: [Prince-4ever] Re: Your 1st Time ... Not THAT 1st Time ...


Thanx 4 answerin' ... I thought it might be fun 4 some "fam" 2 go back in the archives of our minds just 2 feel and see what was our initiation album/song or tour. I've been thinking and reflecting on how I felt and what it was like listenin' 2 P's album back then. I see why some people on the org say that the 1st era of P's music really hits hard. It should, it was when he was young and passionate. Not that he's not passionate now but the music has a different feel. He's not that "starving artist" anymore. I've been doing a lot of "reflection" myself this year.

.. again, thanx 4 answerin' everybody.
Peace, Love & Light [& Stay Funky] ...
NPG Member 4 Life ... [Live 4 Love]

From: superque87 <>
Sent: Wednesday, September 2, 2009 2:33:40 PM
Subject: [Prince-4ever] Re: Your 1st Time ... Not THAT 1st Time ...


OK ... this was fun. I really had to think back over 30+ years of being a Prince addict.

------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------

> Peace Fam ...
> Question (I'm not sure if these have been asked before but here goes):
> What was the 1st album by Prince that you bought? - Prince
> What was the 1st song you ever heard by Prince? - Soft and Wet
> What was the 1st concert you saw with Prince? - '81 - Dirty Mind Tour in Houston or Galveston ... can't remember. What I do remember is that it was the night he forever became my favorite artist, playing for four hours.
> Who are your favorite related artist (to Prince)? - Jesse Johnson
> What is your favorite related artist album? - Madhouse 16: New Directions in Garage Music
> What is your favorite related artist song? - "I'm Just Wantin' You" - Jesse Johnson's Every Shade of Love CD
> What was the 1st tour you saw with a related artist? - 1999 tour with The Time and Vanity 6
> ((Something to talk about since it's been so quiet as of late with the Prince News & Reviews) ...

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