Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Re: [epilepsy] Re:epilepsy and sex drive


This is quite a believable trigger although I've never heard of this
happening before. I forget if you said dirty magazines are enough.

I wonder what would happen if you had this treated surgically... you might
wake up unable to engage your trigger at all?

Maybe I've told this story before, but I read about some woman born with
anhedonia (inability to experience pleasure) so they implanted a wire
running from some pacemaker or stimulator to a point behind the
orbitorfrontal complex, behind the eyes. That gave her unsatisfiable
nymphomania which sounds great, especially for someone who grew up with an
inability to experience pleasure, but after a few months of intense sexual
activity she was exhausted and had them take the thing out.


On Tue, Sep 29, 2009 at 12:46 PM, Danny Newell <>wrote:

> like i said is trying to have any sexual activity usually it triggers a
> siezure to come on and i don't have much of a choice. it is one of those
> things that seem to happen to me. there must be some other members in this
> group that have the same problem as me. people need to understand that it
> can happen to them most likely.
> Danny

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