Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Re: [epilepsy] Understanding...



Where do you live in Ohio? I grew up in Wayne county-- between Wooster and
Canton. I live in IN now.

I was fortunate to have a loving husband who had
been an orderly in a hospital. He is now ex but when I needed him he was
there when the girls called him. He caught them what to do when I had
my grand mal szs.

What is scary for the family is that we are not our normal take charge
selves and are passed out-- which especially scares little children and

Personally I have never seen a sz except on TV but one of my daughters told
me later that she thought I was going to die.She would sit besideme on the
floor. It is harder on the family than the person
who has the szs.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Linda Hammond" <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, September 30, 2009 5:30 PM
Subject: Re: [epilepsy] Understanding...

Amy. You are not alone. The people don't understand that seizures and meds
afect your concentation and this one thing is probably why you are slower at
work. You can't help that. I have had seizures since I was
in my early 40's. My first one was a grand mal and then I never had any more
for 3 years. I was on meds
but they came back and I was on alot of meds that I shouldn't have been on.
The dr. said mine were from stress or hormones or both. No other explan. But
I still have seizures nomatter what I take. They arent as
bad now as they were but I don't take anymore med. than I absolutely have to
take because I do not want to feel like azombie ever again like at first. I
have lost my driving priveledges because I willing gave them up.
It has been hard and I hate being dependent on someone and losing friends
was hard for me too, but
this group has given me someone to talk to who understands and it does help
alot. Your husband will have to learn patience too if he wants to help you.
Iam very fortunate to have a very loving hubby that gets me thru my seizures
very well. I have complex partial seiz. where I just like pass out sometimes
with an aura and others
not. If standing I will fall flat on floor-I will fall like a d runk and be
out of it for about 10- 20 min. and then when I come to I don't remember
nothing. I will have seizure maybe 2-5 a month. I never know when.
I fully understand what you are going thru. It is very hard get thru but we
are all here for you if you need anything at all. Ok? Linda I am 58 yrs old
now and live in Ohio.

From: amylentine
Sent: Wednesday, September 30, 2009 2:21:06 PM
Subject: [epilepsy] Understanding...

I am currently trying to explain to my husband, family, and boss at work
about my seizures and why my attitude has changed so drastically. I have
only been dealing with this for about a month and a half now and I am
already tired of being asked a million times a day how do I feel?? I don't
even really know the answer to that question yet. My friends and family try
to understand or they pretend like it is not even happening.

My husband is the biggest offender of this. Lately I am just so angry with
him, I had a seizure on Saturday and he acted like it did not even happen! I
am sure he just wants this to all go away so things can go back to the way
they were before but I have no control over that. When ever he trys to talk
to me I just get so angry at him for no reason.

Work is trying to be understanding, since I can not drive they are letting
me work from home but they do not understand why my quality of work has
decressed and why I am not as interested in work right now.

Just want a way to communicate with others what I am going through and what
they can do to help, because right now I have no idea.


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


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