I have an apartment in Goshen (between South Bend and Fort Wayne) at
retirement Center. In Nov I will be here 13 years and I love it. I do
quite a bit of volunteer work.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Linda Hammond" <lindahammond91@
To: <epilepsy@yahoogroup
Sent: Wednesday, September 30, 2009 9:31 PM
Subject: Re: [epilepsy] Understanding.
Millie, I live in Perry County in a town named Somerset. It is a small town
Southeast of Columbus, Ohio. We
are between Zanesville and Lancaster on St. Rt. 22 on the map.
I know what you mean about children being upset when I have a seizure my
grand-daughterwas upset the first time, but now she says Grandma blinked out
again when I was with her alone and it happened when she told grandpa about
it. She is nine and handles it pretty well now. I can imagine how it is for
everyone that has to see us go thru it. They have alot to handle too. My gr.
daughter sat beside me and she said she
talked to me. I told her she did the right thing even though I could'nt hear
her. Bless her heart!
How old are your girls? I also have son who is 30 plus my daughter who is 38
+3 gr.daughters. I really like this group . It has helped me alot. Where do
you live in Ind? Linda
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