-Thanks Julie,
Went to my family doc today and asked her for a reference to see a new nuero, (one that she has worked with before). I feel much better after doing that, the only thing is that I have to wait until the end of October to get in. Now I just got to get my records and tests from the other nuero (not looking forward to that).
-- In epilepsy@yahoogroup
> Hi Amy and a big welcome to the group. You will get lots of info, make lots of friends, and if you have
> questions just ask. You are not a complainer and should your doc be treating you like so maybe it is time to
> get a new one. Do not be afraid to get a 2nd 3rd opinion should you have to. Also it is your right too, to
> get a copy of all the doctors notes he takes when you are in his office or copies of tests. Just ask for
> them.
> Keep these copies in a file or folder at home and they come in mighty handy when changing doctors. Also if
> you have any other health conditions do same there, taking all with you to the new doctor so that all doctors
> are on the same page. One doctor may give you a med for something and it could conflict with the med the new
> doc wants to give you. Sometimes/quite our body/brain just don't like another med been added and can give you
> trouble.
> Take care
> Julie
> Julie Hope
> epilepsyhealth@
> http://www.2betrhea

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