Wednesday, September 30, 2009

[epilepsy] I'm selling my car


Hi everybody,

I have been driving for most of the 47 years that I have had EP-- except for 2 1/2 years at different times that
I had szs.

I decided to sell my 15 year old car this year because I am prone to falling. We have a lot of snow here
in the winter. The retirement center clears behind our cars but not between or on top of the car. My 2
girls who live in town have wanted me to quit driving for about 4 or 5 years. They are afraid that I will
fall between the cars and no one will see me. Last year I was still working as a home health aid. They
would come the mornings I was to work and clear where I was to walk and the top of the car. I decided
to not put them thru that again this year.

We have a shuttle here that takes you places on the campus and to Dr.s appointments. We also have
a bus that goes to grocery stores every Tues and Thurs. There is a town bus that I can use if I wish but
I would have to walk quite a ways to catch it. I also have a 1/2 price taxi card that I have never used.
Of course you have to call and schedule a ride -- which I am not crazy about .

I will have to change the way I use my money. I usually paid for insurance and for fixing the car .Now
I will have to carry smalll bills. I figured that I put $2,500 in fixing my car the last 4 years. that is not
counting gas, insurance and license.

For the last 2 weeks I have been getting ready for this. I had the car washed, got large groceries that
would be hard to carry on the bus,went thru all my clothes ant took a bunch to Good Will and drove
past differnent places we lived and collected memories. A man here on campus is buying my car.
I didn't have to advertise it.

So I am with a lot of your who are not driving. I have also purchased a walker with a seat. that has
helped me a lot with my walking; I haven't fallen since I got it. I want to keep on walking and strengthen
my legs.


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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