Monday, September 28, 2009

[epilepsy] What me worry ?


                   MSG foods are not the only things I worry about even though I stay away from them as far as I can tell. Now we all know MSG can be in anything besides foods. So when I was talking to my cardiologist, I was wondering if the dye they are going to use on me during my catherization would have any MSG in it. If MSG can be in flu shots and vacinations, Why would it not be in the dyes the use for tests ?  I told him about my seizure reactions I can get from MSG. He tells me there is no MSG in the dye they would use on me. I may have a blockage in my heart value or one of my arteries. To think any form of MSG may get in my system other than foods would really be bad and very upsetting. Me worry ?   No God will take care of it all.

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