Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Re: [epilepsy] Understanding...



It is very confusing at first.

What kind of szs do you have? Do you pass out? Or get really confused?
Would your husband go to the Dr. with you--
so the Dr. can explain what is happening to you?

Are you sure that is what he thinks? Did you ask him? You both have
reason to be angry-- because things are not like they used to be and
won't be. But that is life.

Have your gotten info on EP and szs so you can explain what is happening to

Julie Hope who writes in this group has a website at the end of each of her
posts that
explains EP well and tells about different kinds of szs. Click on to that.


----- Original Message -----
From: "amylentine" <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, September 30, 2009 2:21 PM
Subject: [epilepsy] Understanding...

>I am currently trying to explain to my husband, family, and boss at work
>about my seizures and why my attitude has changed so drastically. I have
>only been dealing with this for about a month and a half now and I am
>already tired of being asked a million times a day how do I feel?? I don't
>even really know the answer to that question yet. My friends and family try
>to understand or they pretend like it is not even happening.
> My husband is the biggest offender of this. Lately I am just so angry with
> him, I had a seizure on Saturday and he acted like it did not even happen!
> I am sure he just wants this to all go away so things can go back to the
> way they were before but I have no control over that. When ever he trys to
> talk to me I just get so angry at him for no reason.
> Work is trying to be understanding, since I can not drive they are letting
> me work from home but they do not understand why my quality of work has
> decressed and why I am not as interested in work right now.
> Just want a way to communicate with others what I am going through and
> what they can do to help, because right now I have no idea.
> Thanks
> Amy
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