Wednesday, September 30, 2009

[fast5] starting with alot to accomplish


I'm so happy I came across the fast-5 information on the internet. Today was my first day of the adjustment phase. This sounds really easy and stress free. No deprivation when you get to eat. I'm a big girl but I still love fruits and vegetables, just not a fan of whole grains yet. I'm trying to teach myself to like them. I've lost weight before when I was a teenager, I grew up as a fat kid and when I realized how fat I was I starved myself to get down to a healthy weight losing 130 pounds. I gained it back in a few years when I had an abusive fiance. Lost half of it again after getting out of the situation without trying to diet. Then I gained it back and then some going through some hard to deal with living conditions while working at a fast food resturant. They gave me all the free food I could ever want because they were trying to bribe me into management. Now I'm out of that difficult situation and back where I should be but the weight is extra stubborn this time. I feel like I have that metabolic syndrome X or something. It makes sense in the book where it describes your body running on glucose or ketones, maybe mine is on a glucose kick 24/7. I've tried so many diets this time and I haven't had much success, its so hard to stick to those eat mini meals and snacks several times a day kind of diet. Those just make me extra hungry because I never get to fill up and they make for some gross breath because you eat so often, really who is going to brush thier teeth 6 times a day? Its very inconvenient to have to eat that often. I don't want to stop work several times to eat a snack. I read the fast-5 online book and it really makes sense. Maybe thats why I did lose weight all those other times without realizing that it was because I didn't always eat, giving my body a chance to use up fat stores. I'm really excited about starting this, I'm more likely to cook something healthful because its only once a day and I'll look forward to eating. The way I feel doesn't match the way I look. I don't recognize what I see in the mirror or photographs. My goal is to get back into the wardrobe I still have out in the shed from the first time I lost weight. I would love to be 165-175 pounds, even just under 200 would make me happy. I'm sure I'll have the weight of extra skin by time I get there. Right now I'm 355 pounds and only 5 feet 8 inches tall. I can still run, climb, swim, ski, and work as hard as other people (lol and i did actually ski at 295 pounds all day without falling down, amazing! lol! I don't want to stay like this because it'll get worse as I get older, I'm only 23 now so I have youth helping me be more active. I feel like I'm wasting time being big, I could be dating, married, etc but i look so unapproachable like I don't care and don't take care of myself, like I 'let myself go' being so big. So I don't blame any guy for not wanting to go out with me LOL. I'm really fun to be with but I need to get back to looking approachable before anyone would ever know. Even if it took me 5 years to lose the weight I would be thrilled, life doesn't stop because of problems, if it did what fun would that be. I'm planning to have fun with this weight loss, gonna take before and after pics and monthly weigh ins. I liked that picture in the book with the guy complaining about his knees hurting and he has a fridge strapped to his back. I feel like i have two fridges strapped to my back, my feet feel like I'm walking on hot coals at the end of a long work day (I have to stand/walk on concrete all day). I have 200 pounds to lose according to the chart in the book but will be happy with 180 pounds lost. I refuse to give up and get gastric bypass surgery. I've only failed when I give up trying, I've had to fight weight my whole life and will not give up, and might as well have fun while i'm at it. wish me luck! I'll update from time to time.

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