Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Re: [epilepsy] Re: may i suggest an idea about "trimming posts" ?



I start from the bottom or did before I changed my address.
I'm not really sure what I am doing now.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Steve" <stephenpales@yahoo.com>
To: <epilepsy@yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2009 6:31 PM
Subject: [epilepsy] Re: may i suggest an idea about "trimming posts" ?

> Hi Everyone,
> I'm just wondering what the mix up is in reading the posts? I simply
> click into the group then click on messages, then see all the posts made
> in the group. I then read about the subjects I want to? I read from the
> top post (the newest) and know whats below that are past posts which are
> being responded to on that same subject at the top. Am I missing
> something (smile)?
> Usually I do miss things with part of my brain shriveled up and some of it
> taken out coming on 3 years ago during my left temporal lobecomy (smile),
> seizure free since (so far)! Take care, keep a smile on your face!
> Steve
> --- In epilepsy@yahoogroups.com, "Jewl Wall" <wallja99@...> wrote:
>> Hi everyone,
>> I am having more request that people trim their post before sending
>> their reply.
>> I have noticed when someone reply's they leave "all" of the other
>> reply's under theirs. This is and could be three or more.
>> Please either copy paste the letter you are replying to above your reply
>> so we know what you are replying too or leave "only" the letter you are
>> replying too at the bottom or wipe out all but the letter you are
>> replying
>> to.
>> We have many people on digest who have to wade thought the same old
>> reply's
>> time and again just to get to the new one.
>> Thank you
>> Jewl, TX
>> Owner
>> Information on Seizure Response/Alert Dogs
>> http://www.homestea <http://www.homestead.com/Tagert/MsJewl.html>
>> d.com/Tagert/MsJewl.html
>> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> ------------------------------------
> Just a friendly reminder: Please remember to sign your post and remember
> to clean up messages when you reply to them. This is especially important
> if you are on digest. This not only helps out the list owner but, it
> makes messages much easier to read when they arrive in our inboxes.
> Yahoo! Groups Links

Just a friendly reminder: Please remember to sign your post and remember to clean up messages when you reply to them.  This is especially important if you are on digest.  This not only helps out the list owner but, it makes messages much easier to read when they arrive in our inboxes.

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