Wednesday, September 30, 2009

RE: [epilepsy] Understanding...



HI, and Welcome , My name is Jewl I am 46 years old and I am married and
we live in TX . I have had EP since 1996 after catching a virus . I know
what you mean when you say that people don't understand. My family had a
hard time of it and I lost my fiancée when this all happened 12 years ago.
He could not handle that I was not "perfect" or "myself" any more. Although
in hind sight I am glad that had happened because I am with my husband of 10

It is hard for people to know just what we are going through. Even Michael
who sees me have a seizure or a rough day of not remembering the simplest of
things can't really know just what I feel like.

I am glad you found us and I know you will find a wealth of information and
friends here.

If I can help in anyway just let me know, I am the Owner of this group

Jewl, TX

Information on Seizure Response/Alert Dogs

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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