I told him about my seizure reactions I can get from MSG. He tells me there is no MSG in the dye they would use on me. I may have a blockage in my heart value or one of my arteries. To think any form of MSG may get in my system other than foods would really be bad and very upsetting. Me worry ? No God will take care of it all.
> Craig
I understand your concern and I have run into the professionals not getting it. My one son has been on stimulants for many years with no problems. But in many drug changes he once tried Concerta, a time released version of Ritalin and had an allergic reaction. Now I have to put down he is allergic to Concerta. Now the make up of Concerta is Ritalin and some time release agent. He is fine with Ritalin but it is the time release agent that he is allergic to. Several professionals have chuckled, oh we aren't giving him Ritalin. I stop them and say that isn't the issue, are you going to give him something with a time release agent because that is the issue he might react to! He was going to have his wisdom teeth out and the oral surgeon totally blew this off and went onto discuss his daughter's dance camp. Really. On the way out, I was making calls to find another oral surgeon to book an appointment for removal of his wisdom teeth.
Now Concerta also is designed to be tamper resistant so that also could be part of what he reacted to, I don't know but it wasn't the Ritalin, stimulant factor because that is chemically identical and he has had no problem with it in any of the medications he has ever taken.
If I were you and you had to undergo a procedure and the professional was giving you this attitude, make sure to put in WRITING on ALL forms that you have problems with MSG and what the problems are. Also when they put the wrist bands on you, they give you one for allergic, say you have to have one that has MSG! Procedures are that each pro has to check that band before they give you anything and look at it before administering anything. If they balk at it, say my neuro requires it for my medical treatment, my avoiding MSG is vital. If they roll their eyes and mutter it isn't a medication, say neither is latex and you ask about that but you didn't ten years ago. If they continue to give you a hard time, say I suggest you call the RISK MANAGEMENT office and discuss this with them. Using that term is basically saying, hey I warned you and if I am harmed, you, your career, and your institution is on the line for a major lawsuit and if you are too stupid to understand that, you better talk to management before you open up this place to a major suit.
In Christ,
Nedra 2 of 5,
Borg Mom Resistance is Futile in finding what works for my kids
Nick, 23, AS, ADHD, + CAPD
Ben, 21, AS + ADHD
Matt, 18, very AS, ADHD,+Complex Partial Seizures of the Temporo- Limbic region
God knew there would be children with Autism - and in honor of them He made
the planets in the solar system spin round and round, round and round.....
Author, unknown

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