Wednesday, September 30, 2009

[fast5] Re: quick question


I have been doing this for 13 days and I have lost 5.6 pounds. I am very faithful to my 5 hour window and during the week I will eat 900-1100 calories a night. Keeping track of what goes in you is very important when on any diet. If your BMR is 1700 and you are consuming 2000 calories you are not going to get anywhere. I generally eat what I am feeling for and if it pizza I get pizza but I don't eat half the pizza no matter how hungry I was. On my weekends so far I have not been eating the most healthy of food but I make sure to not over eat. I do exercise at least 3 times a week for about an hour. Keep in mind you do not have to exercise for an hour straight if that may be boring for you but, do try to do more. Walk on your break at work, park farther when you go to the store. When you are watching TV. get on the floor and do some sit ups, squats..etc.

I keep track of my calories at it really helps me. You can keep track of your weight, calories and exercise!

Keep trying and good luck


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