Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Re: [epilepsy] Re: New to this


Hi Amy
If you think you need in sooner a family doctor can get you in. Sometimes we have to be really stern and
explain why and they can get an earlier appointment for you...just tell them it is an emergency, or you are
going elsewhere. That is how we did it and the family doc at the time made the appointment right then and
there telling them it was an emergency and I was in there the very next day. If you feel more confident with
your family doctor, he can maybe get the one to have all records faxed to the new doctor too. (think they do
that anyway, just make sure that they send your whole file) Their doc talk won't make any sense to you anyway,
much less you are very lucky if you can even read their writing, where another doctor can. :)smile......
Don't go worrying about you want to prevent a seizure now.
Another tip ... when in a Doc office should you not understand what he wants you to do or what he is saying
get him to write it down for you so that you can take home and read.

Julie Hope
----- Original Message -----
From: "amylentine" <amylentine@yahoo.com>
To: <epilepsy@yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2009 4:57 PM
Subject: [epilepsy] Re: New to this

-Thanks Julie,

Went to my family doc today and asked her for a reference to see a new nuero, (one that she has worked with
before). I feel much better after doing that, the only thing is that I have to wait until the end of October
to get in. Now I just got to get my records and tests from the other nuero (not looking forward to that).


-- In epilepsy@yahoogroups.com, Julie Hope <epilepsyhealth@...> wrote:

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