Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Re: [epilepsy] Understanding...


Please feel free to talk to me any time. I have had epilepsy ever since teen and now a 'young' great granny
just awaiting #4. Can hardly wait as I can spoil her and give her back when done :(smile:). Had 5 of my own
but can't remember having any of them except maybe the last one and the Doctors seemed to be a little
concerned at delivery .... but he came ok. Doctors just had to wait that's all!
Am on MSN, ICQ and also 'Skype' if you have that on your computer. My email address is below if you wish to
speak to me in private, along with my website on epilepsy.
Take care
Keep Smiling
Stay Calm
Julie Hope
----- Original Message -----
From: "amylentine" <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, September 30, 2009 12:21 PM
Subject: [epilepsy] Understanding...

I am currently trying to explain to my husband, family, and boss at work about my seizures and why my attitude
has changed so drastically. I have only been dealing with this for about a month and a half now and I am
already tired of being asked a million times a day how do I feel?? I don't even really know the answer to that
question yet. My friends and family try to understand or they pretend like it is not even happening.

My husband is the biggest offender of this. Lately I am just so angry with him, I had a seizure on Saturday
and he acted like it did not even happen! I am sure he just wants this to all go away so things can go back to
the way they were before but I have no control over that. When ever he trys to talk to me I just get so angry
at him for no reason.

Work is trying to be understanding, since I can not drive they are letting me work from home but they do not
understand why my quality of work has decressed and why I am not as interested in work right now.

Just want a way to communicate with others what I am going through and what they can do to help, because right
now I have no idea.



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