Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Re: [epilepsy] New to this


Hi Amy and a big welcome to the group. You will get lots of info, make lots of friends, and if you have
questions just ask. You are not a complainer and should your doc be treating you like so maybe it is time to
get a new one. Do not be afraid to get a 2nd 3rd opinion should you have to. Also it is your right too, to
get a copy of all the doctors notes he takes when you are in his office or copies of tests. Just ask for
Keep these copies in a file or folder at home and they come in mighty handy when changing doctors. Also if
you have any other health conditions do same there, taking all with you to the new doctor so that all doctors
are on the same page. One doctor may give you a med for something and it could conflict with the med the new
doc wants to give you. Sometimes/quite our body/brain just don't like another med been added and can give you
Take care
Julie Hope
----- Original Message -----
From: "Amy Lentine" <amylentine@yahoo.com>
To: <epilepsy@yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2009 8:18 AM
Subject: [epilepsy] New to this


I was just currently diagnosed with seizures a month and a half ago. My EEG came back normal but they did find
a small lesion on my frontal lobe. I seem to have seizures where I completely pass out and shiver/twitch or I
have seizures where I just kind of zone out for a few seconds then I either go back to what I was doing or I
just fall asleep. Currently the doctor has me on Keppra XR (500 mg) at night and they did have me on 1,000mg
but the side effects were unbearable. I am still having some side effects on the 500 mg and I am still having
seizures. I know I am supposed to call my doctor to let him know that I am still having seizures but he just
makes me feel some uncomfortable. So I guess the short of it is I am looking for any recommendations for a
good neuro near the flint area. Just want a doc who does not treat me like I am a complainer.


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