Monday, September 28, 2009

[epilepsy] (epilepsy) Re: Tim Baldwin


While working as caregiver, had one person go into his multiple seizures (being just a caregiver no matter how
many have you call 911) The ambulance come and he is out of one right then but get him strapped in and just as
ready to go down the ramp they proceed anyway + the wrong way down (feet first) + a strap across his chest
from neck...the way he had them he could of went flying off that gurney and the strap was in position to choke
him. Thank goodness I saw him start as took long enough to convince them to back up and wait until he had
finished. They didn't know what I was talking about made them undo the strap and the way he had the seizure
was a bad GM it would of choked him for sure. They then proceeded to go back in and turn round so went down
the ramp the proper way. Just a WHEW moment for me in my work life experience and just how much they know.
Julie Hope

Most police know that they should, neither do paramedics I'm usually just regaining my consciousness after a
partial complex seizure, in post-ictal period. Awareness isn't complete and my ability to speak isn't there
due to my memory not being available yet. I'm not able to think of the things I'd like to say, then after I
have I experience the inability of my brain to send those words to the voice-box. But I can answer just Yes or
No to any questions asked.
Tim Baldwin

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