The best medicine for me to keep my libido satisfied is called foreplay giving my female significant other hugs, kisses, and doing what gives her pleasure and taking my time. Men and women are often not seeking the same types of gratification during sex which ultimately leads to orgasm for both. I say this assumming medication is not the reason for one's low interest in sexuality. I have assummed that Viagara is a company that relies on the ignorance of guys in regards to how to make women happy. Their advertising sends that message across. If men knew more about women, I am convinced Viagara'
Having said the above, if meds are not the reason why not see a sexologist or a psychologist. I read an article somewhere that stated that sexual abuse can lead to a lack of interest in sex or else wreckless sexuality in the form of promiscuity, irregardless as to one being or not being Epileptic. We are multidimensional human beings that are more than just physical and physical health conditions. Even some in Epilepsy associations do not realise this sometimes. To have the best quality of life we have to take care of ourselves physically, psychologically, and spiritually. We each have the personal choice to do that or not do that. Obviously sexuality can be a negative concequence among others if we do not do that as needed.
The roots of mental health disorders like schyzophrenia are physically
--- On Wed, 9/23/09, Jason <tiscione@gmail.
From: Jason <tiscione@gmail.
Subject: Re: [epilepsy] Re:epilepsy and sex drive
To: epilepsy@yahoogroup
Received: Wednesday, September 23, 2009, 3:53 AM
PEANUT BUTTER raises your libido? Where do you apply it?
What meds do you go ON to get a sex drive back? Even Cialis and Viagra and
those guys don't do that. On the other hand if you want the sex drive to go
away or lessen somewhat you can always try Depakote.
On Wed, Sep 23, 2009 at 12:25 AM, misse3333 <misse333@gmail. com> wrote:
> Have had a look on the net but most of it seems to deal with people who are
> on meds and have sex drive changes as a result, not so much on what to do
> about it though actually the site you recommended says it should be quite
> common. I think i'm a bit unusual being an unmedicated epileptic and still
> quite young. Someone suggested peanut butter, which I will try, anyone else
> know any ahem, home hints? I'm really reluctant to go back on the meds just
> to get a sex drive back!!
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