Tuesday, September 1, 2009




So is your daughters' body in a chamber or like a bubble?

I've worked in a hospital and have seen O2 given in the nose by
hoses and have also seen a stronger plastic put on a face that
covers the mouth and nose. I've also seen pictures of people in
O2 tents. (I think that some some years ago.)

Or is it like a CPAP where they say O2 is given to you while
you sleep? It evidently is stronger than that

Does she purposely have to breathe deeper or does it just happen?


> Hi Millie,
> HBOT is a treatment. The oxygen used is considered a "drug". Once you do
> a series of treatments, usually 40, you go back for more as needed. The
> effects last weeks, months, years-everyone is different. I took my
> daughter in about every 6 months. The treatments consist of medicinal
> oxygen under pressure (which happens when you are in the chamber) which
> allows oxygen to reach parts of the body it would not normally reach at
> "ground level" meaning, when you are in the chamber it simulates the
> pressure you would feel if you were 16-32 feet under water (normal
> treatment ATA/PSI). By breathing the oxygen under pressure your
> bloodstream carries the oxygen to the injured areas, in our case, the
> brain. That's why HBOT works so well for burns and wounds because it
> speeds up the healing. Hope I made myself clear. It's really not that
> complicated!!
> --- In epilepsy@yahoogroups.com, mylmy@... wrote:
>> Sylvia,
>> Welcome to our group.
>> It sounds like Hyperbaric is a teatmaent -- not a med. How often
>> do you need a treatment?
>> What does it constite of?
>> Millie

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