Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Re: [epilepsy] Disability (just an honest response)


Yes Kelly you are definitely right there. Probably why it is so hard to get. If you can apply for it
mentioning some other condition that truly would fit them then do .... it would get a much quicker response.
Example, should you have a broken back, :)) from a seizure, the reason on the sheet would be that not
epilepsy, epilepsy you can add as a side thing as you got the back problem because of the epilepsy. Then they
will/should act more quickly. Can't answer any of those questions there for you Julie as I have never tried
applying for it. Don't cut yourself short, it never hurts to try.

Julie Hope
----- Original Message -----
From: "Kelly Porter" <kellyporter@frontiernet.net>
To: <epilepsy@yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Tuesday, September 01, 2009 9:19 PM
Subject: Re: [epilepsy] Disability (just an honest response)


I can tell you that having EP does NOT automatically qualify you for
SSDI. To get SSDI you have to be unable to work any competitive job at
all for which you are trained or educated, or can be expected to become
trained or educated for. As you can imagine having EP is not a good
enough claim to say you can't work. Many many many epileptics work
every day in competitive jobs for which they are trained and educated.
You meet the definition when you are having ongoing intractable seizures
and/or side effects so severe as to interfere with every day living.
Also if there are other medical conditions that go along with your EP.
The definition of ongoing seizure according to the SSDI standard is
technically "one per week".

My advise--(don't take this as an attack on you I owuld say this to
anyone who asked me)--dont apply unless you are seriously disabled and
can honestly say that you could not go out and find any job for which
you are reasonably trained or educated. SSDI isn't designed to help
everyone who got sick even if its serious--it is designed to help those
who absolutely cannot work. When people who could go get a job apply
for SSDI, which thousands are doing, it backs up the system. Currently
the system is working on applications as old as over 3 years. I finally
had my hearing in July--I applied in June of 2006.

Some perspective--I truly can't work. I am post right temporal
lobectomy, still intractable, on 3 AED meds so have multiplied side
effects, have an additional neurological disorder on top of epilepsy, I
have herniated disks in two places, I have a blood clotting disorder
that cannot be named because 90% of them cant be identified, I have
central sleep apnea, now I have a thyroid problem.....should i go
on........ask yourself--am i applying because I really cant go get a job.

julies2go wrote:
> I am a stay at home mom with two young kids and diagnosed this year with ep. Does anyone know if I can
> recieve disability payments from social security or how I go about it? I have not worked in five years and
> my husbands income is sufficient, but I would like the extra income to help cover medical expenses, child
> care and transportation costs. What programs are available to help the financial burdon of this condition?
> Does my neurologist need to fill out any paperwork?
> Julie B


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