Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Re: [epilepsy] Getting SSDI, and having children who are eligible.


Hi Big John,

Welcome to our group.

That is great that you are in school and want to be a CPA.

I just retired from 25 years of being a home health aid.
I've had EP for 47 years; been on dilantin and phenabarb for
over 20 years.

Good luck in school. Is Kaplan College close to you?


> I get SSDI, and have a 2year old daughter, she collects under mine. My EP,
> severe enough that I can't work, and my wife acts as my payee. I am here
> in NY. New York is one the hardest states to get SSDI, I fought for 2
> years, and got it. It takes time, but yes, if it severe enough you can get
> it, and your children too. I hired a lawyer, and even he thought I
> wouldn't, but when push came to shove I did.
> I grew up, in a house with alot of fighting and I was always the
> protector, My parents beat on each other and I protected my mother and
> sister, I had #3 grand mal seziures in a row, due to tension, I was told
> they are due to stress. That night they woke me with a smelling salt and I
> punched and literally "knocked-out" an ambulance attendant. I apologized,
> but I don't think he realized, that waking me after a seziure, is not a
> good thing. People with EP, don't mean what they do, its an Involuntary
> Muscle reaction.It took 3 marraiges, and a whole lotof putting my wives
> through hell, to find my angel who was /is diabetic, and we take care of
> each other.
> When a pereson has a seziure, people have the tendency to mistreat them,
> especially a kid. I read about the kids and having them in school, the
> children in his/her class should be warned that it happens, so that they
> understand, that its not something that they mean to do. I call it the
> "Frankenstien" treatment, another words people don't quite understand,
> that people with EP, are normal, we are wired differently.
> I as a matter of fact, am actually now since I can't work am attending
> Kaplan college, I want to be a CPA, and I would also like to be a advocate
> for people with EP, since most neurologists have never seen a seziure, and
> want to know what they look like. I feel, that maybe I can tell them a
> basic description of the aura before, and the "cloudiness" after,
> basically same thing a stroke victim goes through, ask some one who has a
> stroke, they can describe all this, because its basically the same. With
> me I can't shut off my brain and relax, its impossible.

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