Wednesday, September 2, 2009

[fast5] Emotional sabotage?


Hi everybody,

I've been following Fast-5 for a couple months, and overall, I love it. My main challenge is not with the diet itself, but with the attitudes of the people close to me - friends, family, boyfriend. It's not that they're outwardly critical (frankly, I couldn't care less if they think I'm nuts), but rather that they become personally offended if I don't want to eat with them. My boyfriend gets upset if I don't want to go out for breakfast, and my friends are mad if I don't want to get a drink at 11pm (my hours are 4-9pm).

The thing is, I try to be as accommodating as possible - I'm always perfectly happy to go along to a restaurant or bar, or to suggest an alternative activity and way to spend time together without focusing on food, but they're almost never interested in my suggestions, and they become hurt and disappointed that I won't eat. It's like their own personal enjoyment of their dining or social experience depends upon my consumption, and I don't understand it.

Frankly, I think they're being pretty selfish to make me responsible for their happiness. I refuse to feel guilty about sticking to my guns and following through with a goal that makes me happy and feeling great. Sometimes, though, I do cave in just to appease my friends and avoid the conflict - not to mention, the constant temptation being shoved in my face is quite a challenge for my willpower.

Has anyone had success in dealing with this issue? I don't want to alienate anyone or create conflict, I just want to be left alone about my personal diet choices, and to stop being sabotaged with their emotional blackmail! What's a tactful way to handle this with people close to me?

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