You asked about 500 calories... I don't think you can get optimal nutrition from only 500 calories. The Biggest Loser program found that when contestants ate too little, they did not lose weight. I don't know the reason why.
How many calories you need each day may depend on how old you are and how active you are. As we get older, we need fwer calories. I am 66 and I get around 1400 calories in my window and I am losing weight with that amount. I work on getting 5 - 9 servings of fruits and vegetables a day plus protein and fats.
On Sep 28, 2009, at 9:11 AM, Jody wrote: there a minimum amount of calories that I should be trying to get in during the 5 hour window? Will it hurt me if I can only get in 500 calories during this time or will that slow the weight loss process?

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