-----Original Message-----
From: "nedra3boys2001" <Nedra3boysI@
Sent 9/28/2009 9:25:58 AM
To: epilepsy@yahoogroup
Subject: [epilepsy] Re: REPLY Learn from your mistakes like the rest of us.
Yes, I know several families who are in the same situation with GFCF diet and other allergies. They basically take their own food or snacks where ever they go and make all their own stuff. You could look for a list for others who have problems with MSG to get a better guide to products. There are many different types of 'foodies', people who have food issues or interests and feed themselves or their families in line with it. I know families who won't buy milk from the store and only buy from certain farmers, don't buy any wheat or grain products and make people who are organic look like they are eating plastic, cutting certain dyes, ect.
I don't fly anymore because of the fluid restriction. I have Sjogren's Syndrome and have to fluids and a variety of products for my condition ( eye gels, lip cream, nasal spray,ect) and the Sjogren's Foundation has been trying to work with Homeland Security along with the Cancer Foundation and other groups because people who have had mouth cancer are in the same situation, if we don't have our products we are at risk of medical problems and a TSA employee isn't going to 'get it' or 3 oz isn't going to last if we are stuck on a runway for hours on end. So I haven't flown and we drive thousands of miles to see all our family who all live outside of our time zone.
In Christ,
Nedra 2 of 5,
Borg Mom Resistance is Futile in finding what works for my kids
Nick, 23, AS, ADHD, + CAPD
Ben, 21, AS + ADHD
Matt, 18, very AS, ADHD,+Complex Partial Seizures of the Temporo- Limbic region
God knew there would be children with Autism - and in honor of them He made
the planets in the solar system spin round and round, round and round.....
Author, unknown
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