Wednesday, September 2, 2009

[Prince-4ever] Re: Your 1st Time ... Not THAT 1st Time ...


What was the 1st album by Prince that you bought?

hmm, my 1st album that I bought was the O(+> album

What was the 1st song you ever heard by Prince?

"Sexy Dancer"

What was the 1st concert you saw with Prince?

Jam of The Year (Miami)

Who are your favorite related artist (to Prince)?

The Time, Tony LeMans, Sheila E., Mazerati, Dez Dickerson, Mike Philly

What is your favorite related artist album?


What is your favorite related artist song?

"Love ... Thy Will B Done"

What was the 1st tour you saw with a related artist?

Morris Day & The Time (South Florida)
Peace, Love & Light [& Stay Funky] ...
NPG Member 4 Life ... [Live 4 Love]

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