That is not really true. "Good carbs," and for a diabetic there is no such thing, will produce less of a rapid spike than "bad carbs," but they are still as much of a carbohydrate load and will produce more sustained elevations of blood sugar. For diabetics, there is no such thing as there being "few limitations" on carbohydrate intake. The amount varies from person to person, but all diabetics must place a limit on their carbohydrate intake and spread it out relatively evenly throughout the day. The single most important dietary step for diabetics is limiting total carbohydrate intake.
--- In Healthy_Recipes_
> I wanted to express my thoughts on this as it is a truely complex subject as what works for one may not work for another. A good carb is simply a carb that doesn't have the impact on your body that a bad carb has. For example if you eat a tsp of sugar you get a huge high (that's because sugar is a bad carb) but if you eat the same amount of broccoli your glucose may not even rise at all. I like South Beach for that reason. It is about good carbs and good fats. There are very few limitations on South Beach and it has done wonders to lower my husbands glucose and mine as well. I would really suggest you get a copy (even if you borrow it from the library) and read a bit about it.
> The Glycemic Index can help you to determine which is good and which is not so good. We used that when my husband was first diagnosed. It's very complicated which is why I like South Beach (really just one more of the reasons I like it).
> I hope this helps.
> Take care
> Donna
> > --- In Healthy_Recipes_
> > "i need to know what good and bad carbs are. i know u all must think im a nut, but i just don't understand the difference. so if someone would send me a list i would appreciate very much so i can stick to a diet better. thanks for helping a very confused friend dee"

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