Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Re: [epilepsy] Advice for my son.

Many years ago, my doctor told me to use "seizure disorder" when asked about my handicap on a job application.  This is what I have used although I must admit I have not had to apply for a job for 27 years and kept the one I have.  I have moved within the organization in several places and this has never been an issue.  In the last few years I have had a seizure or two and at work one in an assembly with everyone and an ambulance was called.   We are fortunate to have the disability act to support our situations and I agree everyone should use it to get their rights.  We do have to be sure we don't put ourselves in danger by accepting a job that we should not do for safety concerns.


--- On Tue, 6/30/09, Tristin Seagraves <> wrote:

From: Tristin Seagraves <>
Subject: Re: [epilepsy] Advice for my son.
Date: Tuesday, June 30, 2009, 7:08 PM

Hi Melloney!  Welcome to the group.  My name is Tristin.  I'm 25 years old, and I have temporal lobe epilepsy.  I remember what life with epilepsy was like as a teenager.  It's not easy, and it draws on your emotions, confidence, and self esteem sometimes.  I know what your son is going through.  In his case, I would just be truthful.  It sounds like his seizures are under control with his meds.  If I were him, I would just be open and honest.  I wouldn't make the topic of "epilepsy" a whole conversation with a future employer, but I would bluntly say or write what needs to be said... just that he has epilepsy.  If your son has to fill out some health questions, like I said, I would keep it as brief and blunt as possible.... . maybe just the word "epilepsy" or "seizures."  I wouldn't go into a whole lot of detail in writing.  When/if the employer asks about his seizures/epilepsy, I would then explain the issue with a little more

detail.... Briefly describe what epilepsy and describe his seizures, if one were to happen, and let them know that his seizures are currently under control.


Hope this helps,

Tristin Seagraves :)

--- On Mon, 6/29/09, melloney.garner <melloney.garner@ nz> wrote:

From: melloney.garner <melloney.garner@ nz>

Subject: [epilepsy] Advice for my son.

To: epilepsy@yahoogroup

Date: Monday, June 29, 2009, 9:08 PM

Hi, I'm a new member and I'm looking for some advice for my son. He is 15 years old and has had epilepsy for the las 18 months (seizures and absence seizures). He has good control now with his medication and hasnt had a seizure in 6 months.

He has been looking for a after-school job and never knows what to say in the application form "health" questions. He knows he should mention his epilepsy but doesn't want to scare off a prospective employer.

What should he write?

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