Thursday, July 30, 2009

Re: [fast5] Re: Suggestions on how to do the fast-5 program more days a week requested


If you have  type 2 in your family AND you can't control your eating ANS you have weight issues you really need to understand that there is no way on earth that you will ever  be able to control the hunger until you drastically lower your carbs.  I was hungry all the time for 64 years....then with Fast 5 and very low carb I was totally stunned to find that I could wait to eat  like "normal" people, that I could go to a party and have a good time and not give a flip about all the beautiful cakes, pies candies etc.   I felt like a totally different person. It has nothing to do with will power.... it is a chemical response. I wish to God I had understood this 50 years ago.  The emotional and energy roller coaster caused by these blood sugar issues has not been the greatest ride.  And frankly it is a shame.  I could have accomplished much more in that time.

 Maybe you need to read more about carbs and insulin to get you motivated. Here is something I wrote with a lot of good links.   I would especially recommend reading what Jenny Ruhl has to say about the serous damage that is done by high post prandial blood sugars and how diabetes develops...basically what she is saying is that the current method for diagnosis is seriously flawed.  Having good fasting blood sugars does not mean that you are not in trouble yet..  If your post meal BG goes high enough, often enough that is cause for real concern.... and high doesn't have to be all that high.  Over 120.

I hate to waste food too.  I don't know your financial circumstances   but  I must ask if you really need to eat what is in your house if it is making you sick....the cost down the road in money and misery is just not worth it.  There is cost in dollars and cost in gotta choose.  

 You don't have to buy a ton of meat.  A small amount of protein and enoughsome good fat will satisfy you more than you can believe right now.   I am sure there are ways you can eat low carb for less$..... Eggs and lots of butter or coconut oil is very filling and not so costly.   Some big omelets with good veggies can take the place of some of the meat. Oh and the fruit  this time of year...I hear you.  But trust me  that your feeling that you must eat that lovely fruit because it is in season can change.  We grow lots of our own food ( as you may have noticed from the website)  I love picking berries...we have all kinds.  But these days I am only able to have 1/4 cup of berries a day.  That is my only fruit.  Every day go an pick blueberries....I don't put even one in my mouth.  It is astonishing to me that I can do that.  It is even more astonishing and wonderful that the experience of picking those berries is about a thousand times better than when I was eating a good portion of what I picked.  Now my whole being is more involved with whatever I am doing instead of half of it focused on the next bite. I now understand what liberation means!  All my life I was controlled by the food.  And I couldn't really see that till it changed.

One more thing:  there is no nutritional requirement for carbs.  NONE.  We all must have protein and fats to survive, but not carbs.  Some people can get away with eating them.  But many of us can't


On Wed, Jul 29, 2009 at 9:29 PM, xenia.rose <> wrote:

Thanks for the posts. I am going to read them over again a few times they are so good!

I can carry a lunch to work but it is a real pain. I have tro take it to a break-room that is really out of the way and hope that no one steals anything out of it. I can't carry anything back to my office from the break-room except what is sold in the vending machines. So, I can't go make tea and carry it back. The smell of food at lunch time is NOT good for me so I don't want to go near the lunch room at all.

Bottled water is not sold in the vending machines and I can't carry my water cup in and out of the gates. I was allowed to bring it in, but it has to stay now because if I bring it back in, I have to get special permission. So, I can't go drink lemon water in my car.

I drink water at work though. The water from the drinking fountain is the same quality water I have at home as it comes from the same water system. The water here tastes great. I have never lived somewhere that had better tasting water. I think someone should bottle the water here it is so good. So, I gladly drink water from the water fountain at work.

Yes, I absolutely consume too much carbs... not just one the weekends but often too many during the week. I have started to pay more attention to the carb content during the week and to serving sizes at least on the weekend but I feel so stressed that sometimes I the weekend I just start to not care.. I want to eat what I want to eat... like this last Sunday when I made "green eggs and pasta" (Normally "green eggs and ham pasta" but I didn't have any ham.) This is either 2 hard boiled eggs or two slowly fried eggs chopped up and added to pasta with pesto sauce. I had that with some fresh veggies and a little bit of ranch dressing as my main meal on Sunday. That morning I can Rice Crispy cereal and milk with some sugar added as well as some canned cling peaches. I had a bumblebee crackers with chicken salad for lunch.. which is really more of a little snack then a meal. Sunday I also drank 3 12 oz cans of coke over the course of the day.

I refuse to count calories but maybe I could go back to at least writing down what my menu's for the day was and how my appetite functioned to see if there is a connection.

There is a strong history of type II diabetes in my family. I get tested ever so often and I come out just fine. The last test was done two months ago. But that doesn't mean that I should just ignore the effects of insulin spikes. AT the moment though I am not willing to go low carb because of my money issues. I need to eat up what is in my house and I can't afford to buy a ton of meat. Also, I don't want to give up fruit when I can get fresh fruit this time of year.

It is easier for me to go low carb in the winter and I may consider it then. Personally, I think a better balance with lower carbs is more likely to be the direction I go rather then truly "low carb." I know I eat too many carbs.. and that this is unbalanced.

Lots to think about. Thanks.

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