Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Re: [epilepsy] Re: New to this still ? When do you go to the hopistal?


I still wear a medic alert bracelet + ha e one on my dog. I have too many topical nd internal meds plus certain supplements that my kidneys get inflamed + my hair falls out without (folic acid+ vitamin b-12 =these to are from one side effect of keppra that I must take to prevent the hair loss side-effect that some get because keppra can cause a depletion of these two) (cranberry + vitamin e + fish oil I have to take for kidneys~ to help them handle any more than 2 meds at a time). I can never remember all the medicines topical & internal that I take so I show them my bracelet + tell them to call in for a fax that can be sent right to paramedics+ if they don't+ get it wrong for lack of info they are liable.
They always call for the fax now.
I don't go to va hospitals for emergencies because they still refuse to admit I have epileptic seizures. Despite 4 years of treatment with keppra which also took away the last portion of my migraines.
Stick out your hand and tell them doc said they're liable if they don't get the gets them to listen. You can even put a medical order on your chart: "DO NOT TRANSPORT TO HOSPITAL IN CASE OF SEIZURE EXCEPT IN CASE OF BROKEN BONE OR SEVERE BLEEDING. Instead call patient's dr's line-we do this all the time.

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

-----Original Message-----
From: "Matthew Ford" <>

Date: Wed, 29 Jul 2009 03:09:46
To: <>
Subject: [epilepsy] Re: New to this still ? When do you go to the hopistal?

Medic Alert Bracelets are just another expense.
I've had mine for over 2 decades, and in all the times
I had seizures, they never looked at it, or called the
1-800 number to get medical information.
What's the point of even having one?

If you're awake, they'll ask for your name, medications you're on, allergies
If you're not awake, they'll take you to the hospital and ask you later.

Being unable to speak after a seizure, I found out what stuff they need to
know, and put it all on the back of my pill box (size of a cell phone) for
next time. From then on, I heard them comment on it, saying they wished
other people would do that.

But they never used my Medic Alert Bracelet.

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