Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Re: [epilepsy] generic lamictal v/s No M S G 3847


I could have told you that generics suck and I don't have
seizures....my daughter does. They started her on generics then we
got switched to another brand and her seizures got worse. I emailed
her neuro and requested a script for "NO GENERICS"....guess what her
seizure control got better on the same dose!!! NO GENERICS FOR US!!!

On Tue, Jul 28, 2009 at 9:30 PM, craig davis<ohs7778@yahoo.com> wrote:
>            Whoever said generic drugs are as good as the brand drugs must
> have been on drugs themselves. It is a lie, as my vision now is more blurry
> and it is at a longer range now than what is was taking the brand drug
> lamictal seeing blurry words at a short distance. I called my doctors office
> and they're in the process of appealing the insurance companys decision to
> only cover the generic brand. I am really at the crossroad and am all but
> ready to say the hell with all medicines knowing how they seem to affect me
> in one way or another.
>     There was a time in 1990 when I went 10 months taking NO AED's. That was
> the best time in my life knowing how I was feeling until I got laid off from
> my job that I liked, due to the 1991 recession then. Of course
> STRESSSSSSSSSS  happened instantly and two weeks later I had my 3rd Grand
> Mal seizure at 30 years old. NO I did not know anything then about nitrates
> and M S G but hot dogs made me have auras in those early years.   So in my
> case if STRESSSSSSS,  M S G  and NITRATES triggers my seizures, all I need
> to do is not eat those foods and stay calm about everything. Emagine a
> doctor agreeing on that  LOL LOL LOL. But no I will have to take medicine
> for all my life as long as they say I need to take it. I believe 49 years is
> long enough for anyone taking AED's. Who is to say these chemicals from all
> the drugs I have been on all my life, is not doing something else to my
> brain I do not know about now ? How many other neurological
> conditions are there besides epilepsy ?  Drugs are the doctors answers for
> us all with any nuerological condition. M S G can cause any of those
> conditions as well as epilepsy. So has anyone else here have been wondering
> as I have about our foods and how safe they are to eat? Any of us can have a
> seizure from nitrates or M S G. It is a crime that our government is
> allowing M S G and nitrates to still be allowed in our foods we eat.
> CAUTION>>>  All foods I have seen with labels of NO MSG !!! or MSG FREE !!!
> has M S G in them. Has anyone else had bad results from generic lamictal ?
>                                                          Craig
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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