Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Re: [epilepsy] Finding a job

Hi Mandie,
       I'm a teacher assistant myself (special education, severe and profound/ grades K-2).  I have temporal lobe epilepsy.  My advice is to go ahead and apply for the position.  Don't say anything about epilepsy on any paperwork or during the interview.  After you get the position, then you may want to mention it to coworkers; just to let them be aware and let them know what to do if you have a seizure and what to expect.  But don't say anything about it until you're hired.  You see, if you mention "epilepsy" before you're hired, it's easy for them to discriminate against you.  They could just say they didn't hire you because of blah, blah, blah.  Yes, the ADA does say that medical discrimination is illegal, but it does happen because it's extremely difficult to come up with evidence and proof of discrimination against epilepsy.  If you wait until you're hired, it's more difficult for the employer to discriminate due to epilepsy.
Hope this helps,
Tristin Seagraves :)

--- On Tue, 6/30/09, credeur.amanda <> wrote:

From: credeur.amanda <>
Subject: [epilepsy] Finding a job
Date: Tuesday, June 30, 2009, 10:18 AM

Hi guys,
I have a question that I hope one of you will either know the answer or have advise. I am going to apply for a teacher assistants positon but am scared to. I do not know if I have to divulge that I have epilepsy or not? And if I do I do not know if they will hire me do to the fact that I could possibly have a seizure at any time. I have not had one since 3 months ago. That is when they finally got all my meds right. I am feeling great but also scared that I could possibly still have one at any time. Should I wait on applying for this or should I go ahead and divulge and take a chance on not getting the position?

Amanda Credeur

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