Monday, July 27, 2009

Re: [epilepsy] Re: New to this still ? when do you go to the hopistal?


I've found myself in an ambulance and on my way to a hospital as soon as I become conscious because as soon as the paramedics arrived at a store due them having called they've removed without looking for any signs of ID, MedicAlerts, injuries etc. then I'll always receive three unnecessary bills, one from each: Hospital, physicians, fire department, For ambulance service (which is free and isn't sent until they've taken you to a hosp., its free for them to just come and leave). I live alone I'm lucky that nobody can call for one. A few times I had a seizure while standing at a bus stop and someone in a car just called for an ambulance via their cell phone as they passed by. One time, the worse was in Baltimore city. I had a complex-partial seizure, a paramedic who had been talking to plain clothed police officers a block away until I began to stand up at that time he came up to me and ordered me, "you had a seizure get in the ambulance". I said
No, I'd like having a police officer give me a order like that. Can You give me your ID, I would like to have an officer to speak to. He spoke on his radio, he said, "I need Police assistance at..." .. the intersection of the streets we were at. He didn't say he needed patient assistance, at all.
A female officer was the first to arrive and I waited as she walked very slowly across a median strip and toward me. She was looking over my shoulder at male officers who were sneaking up behide me. She kept my attention forward toward her, not in any way behind me. A male officer grabbed me from the back under my armpits and lifted me a small bit and threw me forward and down, the paramedic watched as I became bloody and was put into his ambo. with chin laceration, fractured r. jaw joint, many teeth either crushed or split, fine fragments of that fracture punctured my r. ear canal and caused blood to come out of my right ear along with the chin. Of course they just said to the hospital that I was injured during a seizure.
Tim B.                             

--- On Mon, 7/27/09, <> wrote:

From: <>
Subject: [epilepsy] Re: New to this still ? when do you go to the hopistal?
Date: Monday, July 27, 2009, 2:34 PM


--- In epilepsy@yahoogroup, "uniquepnk" <Uniquepnk@. ..> wrote:
> Rose,
> Unless I hurt myself or something I never go to the hospital. Going to ER it
> takes hours to get in and by that time I have already come out of the
> seizure. I have been out shopping and the store I was at called an ambulance
> and I was taken to the hospital a few years ago. They told my sister it was
> a requirement so they wouldn't get sued. The hospital was about 20 minutes
> away and by the time I got there and came completely to myself it was over.
> I wish they would have just let me sit where I was until it was over. If you
> think his seizures are severe enough to where he needs a doctor take him,but
> if it is not that bad I would just let him come out of it on his own. Keep a
> journal about what he does during the seizures and give to his doctors.It
> seems like it would be easier on him to deal with. Take care.
> Tammy
> On Sun, Jul 26, 2009 at 9:44 PM, rosecraigkatiezack <
> rosecraigkatiezack@ ...> wrote:
> >
> >
> > Thank-you all for your responses regarding Zack. Heres my next
> > question.... When do you think it is nessary to go to the hospital?
> > The last time we took Zack before his diagnoses the ER doctor suggested his
> > confusion and diorientation was due to stress. This was after a 3 1/2 hour
> > wait. I was angry to say the least. But I am willing to take him if nessary.
> > What do you think??
> >
> > Here in the UK unless medical needs are needed sz are just wasting hospital @er time,as the most they can do if you have not recoverd is put you in a bay to recover then send you home,so unless your need for hospital treatment is great try and avoid them,sz these days seem low on the list of priorites.
> >
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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