Monday, July 27, 2009

Re: [epilepsy] Re: Keppra and decreased appetite?? (Mark: Jacksonians)


Hey, Mark. :)
A Jacksonian (named for the neuro whose wife had them) is a "one-sided GM." It will often start in a hand or foot and "march" up one side of the body, hence the term "Jacksonian March." I have only had one, and it scared the holy hell out of me. :( I was conscious through about the first 60-90 secs of it. (Turns out I had an ear infection.)

--- On Mon, 7/27/09, Mark <> wrote:

From: Mark <>
Subject: [epilepsy] Re: Keppra and decreased appetite??
Date: Monday, July 27, 2009, 12:04 AM


Liz and Julie,
For me it wasn't Keppra that decreased my appetite, it was Topamax. I'm on Keppra and Lamictal now, and I haven't noticed a decrease in appetite. I used to be up around 230-235 while I was on Depakote (I don't know whether that was the reason or just because I wasn't quite as active) and they took me off that and put me on Topamax. I was also on Dilantin during that time. When they put me on Topamax, I dropped 50 pounds+ and the neurologist and my folks were afraid I would lose too much. I thought I was about to level out, but it didn't quite control my seizures. I'd have a breakthrough TC once in a while, so the doc took me off that and put me on Trileptal.

I also have a question. What kind of seizure is a Jacksonian seizure? Just curious.


--- In epilepsy@yahoogroup, Julie Hope <epilepsyhealth@ ...> wrote:
> Liz...more than welcome. With me it does just the opposite and need to gain. If I do have a seizure then not
> eating for sure for days on end, absolutely nothing as it wouldn't stay down with the migraine, then I loose
> more. Loosing is hard to gain for me and can't afford to. Use to be round the 120 and being not up to par
> lately with dr trying different med etc and having more breakthroughs than normal am just hanging on to the
> 100/5 mark. Dr. told me I had very high metabolism and fine boned and even though a baby boomer and should be
> gaining weight somewhere said I would never have trouble. Guess it isn't all the meds unless they make me
> high metab. and fine boned. The type that can't sit in one spot for to long )smile(.
> Glad to have you here and please feel at ease writing any time.
> Julie
> Julie Hope
> epilepsyhealth@ ...
> http://www.2betrhea
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Liz Welker" <lizard110366@ ...>
> To: <epilepsy@yahoogroup>
> Sent: Sunday, July 26, 2009 6:25 PM
> Subject: Re: [epilepsy] Keppra and decreased appetite??
> Hey, Julie. :)
> Thanks for this. I actually am the way I am (LOTS to lose) in part because of lifelong AED use. Phenobarb and
> Tegretol (especially at the doses I was ordered to take) made me ravenous and stupid, LOL, so the weight piled
> on quickly. Keppra seems to be doing the opposite, but let me be clear: I am eating. I am generally having two
> meals and two snacks (or a snack and a dessert). If that helps me lose, it can only be a good thing...right? ?
> :)
> Thanks again!
> --- On Sun, 7/26/09, Julie Hope <epilepsyhealth@ ...> wrote:
> From: Julie Hope <epilepsyhealth@ ...>
> Subject: Re: [epilepsy] Keppra and decreased appetite??
> To: epilepsy@yahoogroup
> Date: Sunday, July 26, 2009, 7:32 PM
> Hi Liz and welcome to the group. Great to see you. I am the same way although not on Keppra. Seems like for
> me it is any AED I eat very little. Specially when on high doses. For me it gets worse the longer I am on
> them. I think it takes the taste buds from your tongue or something as there are days when I could just pick
> now and then and that's it.
> Julie
> Julie Hope
> epilepsyhealth@
> http://www.2betrhea
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Liz Welker" <lizard110366@>
> To: <epilepsy@yahoogrou p>
> Sent: Saturday, July 25, 2009 7:17 PM
> Subject: [epilepsy] Keppra and decreased appetite??
> Is this my imagination? I last ate at 3 pm. It's after 9, and I'm FULL. I have only been on it for two weeks,
> but I have 90 lbs to lose, so it wouldn't be a bad thing, LOL.
> LIZARD, hoping...:)
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