Sunday, July 26, 2009

Re: [epilepsy] New to this still ? when do you go to the hopistal?


Hi Rose and a big welcome to the group. I think after any seizure a person is confused and disoriented. I
call it a big fog or you feel like you are on another planet for me it is a few days. Can't walk straight or
know where going or what doing and don't ask me my name if I just had a GM as wouldn't be able to tell you. I
only go to the Dr. for my regular check ups or when he calls me back for some is then I tell him
how many seizures I have had and what they do as not one ends up being the same. Keep a diary of his seizures
and what happens each time and should you have to go for a check up or have prescription refilled or need a
form for blood work take that diary with you and he can read all the recent seizures and what happened during
them. This makes it easier for him to put the puzzle pieces together and also easier to get him on the right
Should he fall and hurt himself though or you are feeling unsure for goodness sake take him, or call your
neurologist up and find out what to do.
Great having you with us
Don't be afraid to ask questions as learning is what we need.
Keep smiling and stay calm. That will help him also.
Julie Hope
----- Original Message -----
From: "rosecraigkatiezack" <>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, July 26, 2009 7:44 PM
Subject: [epilepsy] New to this still ? when do you go to the hopistal?

Thank-you all for your responses regarding Zack. Heres my next question....When do you think it is nessary to
go to the hospital?
The last time we took Zack before his diagnoses the ER doctor suggested his confusion and diorientation was
due to stress. This was after a 3 1/2 hour wait. I was angry to say the least. But I am willing to take him if
nessary. What do you think??


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