Sunday, July 26, 2009

Re: [epilepsy] Need help understanding this...what do you think



Do you have a Medical Bracelet to wear on your arm-- saying you have
have ep and to please not take you to the hospital? Can you put
instructions somewhere on your body telling what to do?


> Hi Tristin,
> Sometimes I don't know if I'm experiencing post-ictal memory loss because
> most seizures occur when alone and I come out of it and no one else is
> there. But, if a paramedic is there he might first say, "You had a
> seizure, GET in the ambulance." Now I don"t need to get in to an ambulance
> whenever I have a seizure in order for me to receive three bills for an
> unnecessary ride. Billed by, Fire dept. for ambo. service, Hospital, and
> paramedics. When if he would only ask me, Do you have diabetes? and if I
> answered Yes to that it would be an emergency because low blood sugar can
> cause seizures and death. Since I'd answer No, Afterward he should ask;
> Have you been diagnosed with epilepsy?  If No is the answer it may be an
> emergency! But, I'd say Yes, and there's probably no need for a hospital
> visit. I'd like to ask him for a Release of Responsibility form to
> sign which all paramedic have but never offer to you. But after having a
> seizure I can't think of
> the name to ask for. All they want to do is take you to the hospital so
> that the fire Dept can bill you if they don't, their coming there was
> free. Worse is if a police officer is there first, he'll ask me questions
> to decide if the seizure was caused by alcohol or drugs, That requires
> allot more memory use than just saying yes or no, he might ask, Can you
> tell me the name of the current president? Can you tell me what location
> your at? and others. And then if a paramedic arrives and you don't want
> to go to a hospital. the police officer may decide that, "If its not
> medical, it must be criminal". And then if you have medication in
> a pocket he'll charge you with, Possession of Drugs. The police then take
> them to be used as evidence and put you in a cell and if you are to take
> your medication you'll need to wait to be taken to a hospital, it might
> be 12 hrs. and your therapeutic blood level of those meds., drops
> straight down and takes many
> weeks to get up to that point, and of course you'll likely have seizures
> because of this. Title two of the ADA tells police not to prevent
> medication from being taken by people with epilepsy, cardiac conditions
> etc..
> Tim B.         
> --- On Sat, 7/25/09, Tristin Seagraves <> wrote:
> From: Tristin Seagraves <>
> Subject: Re: [epilepsy] Need help understanding this...what do you think
> To:
> Date: Saturday, July 25, 2009, 8:47 PM
> Sorry Rose,
>        Stupid computer! lol.
>        Yes. I can relate to your son's post-ictal confusion.  When I have
> a seizure or cluster of seizures my confusion can last a couple of days. 
> One time when I was post-ictal (about 24 hours after a cluster), I had to
> ask a family member how old I was.  I really didn't know until I asked.  I
> also experience a feeling of unreality.  When I'm post-ictal, other than
> the confusion, my surroundings look out of place and larger than normal.
> Hope this helps,
> Tristin Seagraves :)
> --- On Sat, 7/25/09, rosecraigkatiezack <rosecraigkatiezack@>
> wrote:
> From: rosecraigkatiezack <rosecraigkatiezack@>
> Subject: [epilepsy] Need help understanding this...what do you think
> To: epilepsy@yahoogroup
> Date: Saturday, July 25, 2009, 6:31 PM
> My son Zack is 14 years old. This last year he has had 2 episodes where
> for 12 hours he gets diorientated and totally confused. He can not do
> simple math tell you his age, what year it is, or remember event that
> happened an hour before. This does not appear to effect his large motor
> skills. When he goes to bed the next morning he is fine again.
> We saw an nerologist who had us do an EEG....and although she is very
> surprised he has Epilepsy and is concerned he is having more minor
> seisures at other times. We are seeing her to discuss treatment next
> Firday. Has anyone else ever had seizures present this way or confusion
> lasting afterwards this long. I am feeling a bit overwelmed and would
> appreciate any thoughts or advice. Thanks! Rose
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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