She put me in a chair where I lay down on a table with shadow taking care of me + vowed to listen better to dog + others no matter how strong I feel
So if feing like I can do it all is an Aura or warning - I need to know-jenandshadow
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
-----Original Message-----
From: Tristin Seagraves <>
Date: Sun, 26 Jul 2009 14:45:51
To: <>
Subject: Re: [epilepsy] Need help understanding this...what do you think
Hi Jenn and welcome to the group. What kind of seizures do you have? Do they come in clusters? The term "post-ictal" means "after seizure," so post-ictal side effects happen after a seizure or a cluster of seizures. If your seizures happen in clusters, then it is possible to experience post-ictal characteristics and confusion between seizures. If you have confusion and/or strange feelings before a seizure, it's probably an aura (aka partial seizure). Auras are unique to each individual, and the feelings depend on the part of the brain in which the seizure(s) is/are coming from. When I have an aura (partial seizure, also called a "warning"), I get an intense epigastric/gut rising sensation. I become really aware of my surroundings. It's as if everything becomes crystal clear, like an "ah-ha" moment, but in a scary way. It's difficult for me to talk during an aura. I'll get hot flashes and a metalic taste in my mouth. This all
happens in a very short amount of time. After the aura, I'll usually have a complex partial seizure or tonic clonic seizure.
Tristin :)
--- On Sun, 7/26/09, <> wrote:
From: <>
Subject: Re: [epilepsy] Need help understanding this...what do you think
Date: Sunday, July 26, 2009, 3:40 AM
Hi, I'm new here in the last month + I go by jenandshadow. Shadow my seizure dog and I go by Jenn.
I am so grateful to find all of you + that you let me join this group. I have learned so much here that even the good DR's
don't explain. So I thank all of you.
Question, can post - ictal stuff
happen before a seizure or could I be having repeated small (absence, etc...) Seizures throughout the day leaving me in a post-ictal state almost constantly.
OR--as my Dr thinks--I may be having sleep apnea or seizures during sleep?
Dr plans to send me for a sleep study + also get me to see some really good eye specialists.
Extra Info: Dr says I'm lucky, because patient's with "BEHCET's DISEASE" who get seizures don't usually go blind + those who go blind don't usually get seizures.
BEHCET's is a vasculitis disease I picked up in military service in Panama. Vasculitis is where the veins swell up inside and out like the new athsma medicine commercials show on tv. So when the vein closes up the area of the tissues go without all tje vein would bring to it normally.
That's just extra stuff that may not be relative to my seizures.
BUT -I HAVE FOUND MY SEIZURE DOG WATCHING ME + LAYING NEXT TO ME TO KEEP ME FROM FALLING OFF THE BED. HE USUALLY LET'S KITTY LAY THERE. I HAVE ALSO WOKE UP WITH HIM SPECIFICALLY CHECKING MY BREATHING--WHEN HE DOES THIS (3x in 5 years I know of) HIS NOSE IS RIGHT AT MY MOUTH AND. NOSE ABOUT AN INCH AWAY. BUT USUALLY HE JUST GETS UP NEXT TO ME TO BLOCK THE SIDE OF .MY BED NOT NEXT TO THE WALL- Leaning on me-kinda like he climbs up on me in my wheelchair to hold me from shaking off with his front paws on my shoulders + then leaning in with his weight according to the need + back feet on floor.
If I am shopping - I don't notice his alerts before seizure so I don't notice until he herds me to sit down.
That's why I asked if the post-ictal can happen pre-seizure, because I have been corrected by trainers + others who know the normal seizure dog alert is to lift up a paw onto a knee or something I've seen him do with the trainer, but I've never been alert enough tO see it before a seizure. So Shadow does what works.
Sorry so long-so much to
Thanx for being here + your kindness+
Patience for all.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
-----Original Message-----
Date: Sat, 25 Jul 2009 23:39:23
To: <>
Subject: Re: [epilepsy] Need help understanding this...what do you think
Hi Tristin,
Sometimes I don't know if I'm experiencing post-ictal memory loss because most seizures occur when alone and I come out of it and no one else is there. But, if a paramedic is there he might first say, "You had a seizure, GET in the ambulance." Now I don"t need to get in to an ambulance whenever I have a seizure in order for me to receive three bills for an unnecessary ride. Billed by, Fire dept. for ambo. service, Hospital, and paramedics. When if he would only ask me, Do you have diabetes? and if I answered Yes to that it would be an emergency because low blood sugar can cause seizures and death. Since I'd answer No, Afterward he should ask; Have you been diagnosed with epilepsy? If No is the answer it may be an emergency! But, I'd say Yes, and there's probably no need for a hospital visit. I'd like to ask him for a Release of Responsibility form to sign which all paramedic have but never offer to you. But after having a seizure I can't think of
the name to ask for. All they want to do is take you to the hospital so that the fire Dept can bill you if they don't, their coming there was free. Worse is if a police officer is there first, he'll ask me questions to decide if the seizure was caused by alcohol or drugs, That requires allot more memory use than just saying yes or no, he might ask, Can you tell me the name of the current president? Can you tell me what location your at? and others. And then if a paramedic arrives and you don't want to go to a hospital. the police officer may decide that, "If its not medical, it must be criminal". And then if you have medication in a pocket he'll charge you with, Possession of Drugs. The police then take them to be used as evidence and put you in a cell and if you are to take your medication you'll need to wait to be taken to a hospital, it might be 12 hrs. and your therapeutic blood level of those meds., drops straight down and takes many
weeks to get up to that point, and of course you'll likely have seizures because of this. Title two of the ADA tells police not to prevent medication from being taken by people with epilepsy, cardiac conditions etc..
Tim B.
--- On Sat, 7/25/09, Tristin Seagraves <> wrote:
From: Tristin Seagraves <>
Subject: Re: [epilepsy] Need help understanding this...what do you think
Date: Saturday, July 25, 2009, 8:47 PM
Sorry Rose,
Stupid computer! lol.
Yes. I can relate to your son's post-ictal confusion. When I have a seizure or cluster of seizures my confusion can last a couple of days. One time when I was post-ictal (about 24 hours after a cluster), I had to ask a family member how old I was. I really didn't know until I asked. I also experience a feeling of unreality. When I'm post-ictal, other than the confusion, my surroundings look out of place and larger than normal.
Hope this helps,
Tristin Seagraves :)
--- On Sat, 7/25/09, rosecraigkatiezack <rosecraigkatiezack@> wrote:
From: rosecraigkatiezack <rosecraigkatiezack@>
Subject: [epilepsy] Need help understanding this...what do you think
To: epilepsy@yahoogroup
Date: Saturday, July 25, 2009, 6:31 PM
My son Zack is 14 years old. This last year he has had 2 episodes where for 12 hours he gets diorientated and totally confused. He can not do simple math tell you his age, what year it is, or remember event that happened an hour before. This does not appear to effect his large motor skills. When he goes to bed the next morning he is fine again.
We saw an nerologist who had us do an EEG....and although she is very surprised he has Epilepsy and is concerned he is having more minor
seisures at other times. We are seeing her to discuss treatment next Firday. Has anyone else ever had seizures present this way or confusion lasting afterwards this long. I am feeling a bit overwelmed and would appreciate any thoughts or advice. Thanks! Rose
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