Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Re: [epilepsy] Hi all. Newbie here!


Welcome to the group. I have had seizures since I was a baby. I am 40 now
now. Even though you will have to sit down and explain to your kids, it is a
blessing they are there for you.I know you don't want them to see you like
that, but if the seizures keep happening regularly then they can more or
less watch out for you if fall and get hurt. I don't have any kids myself,
but there is usually somebody around here making sure I am all right.If you
get enough warning time before the seizure, try to sit down so you won't get
hurt. Sometimes I get a warning(aura) sometimes I don't. Stress and hormones
seem to cause most of mine. I am here if you need anything, write anytime.
Take care.


On Tue, Jul 28, 2009 at 1:45 PM, Julie Hope <epilepsyhealth@sasktel.net>wrote:

> Hi
> I started having my Grand Mal at 13 or so and am now in just in my 60's so
> YES you will still be here at 50
> (smile) And NO we don't mind you rambling on at all, not one little bit.
> What you can do with your son to explain to him what is going on, sit down
> on the floor with him and tell him
> in the simplest way possible how you sometimes get so dizzy and black out
> and afterwards you may not be able
> to remember anything. You can also tell him mommy isn't hurting while doing
> that but may have a bad headache
> after and have to sleep for a bit. Tell him the dr is going to give mommy
> some medicine that hopefully will
> help so you don't do that so often. Make sure he knows that if he can get a
> pillow and put it under your head
> so you don't hurt yourself.
> You say you were already 'out of work when these seizures started
> happening'....did you get layed off because
> of this economy right now? The stress of just that alone could of been
> enough to start them possibly. Stress
> is a big factor and can be a trigger for a seizure.
> Take care and try to stay calm
> Best of luck to you and ask lots and learn is the best way.
> Above all keep smiling!!
> Julie
> Julie Hope
> epilepsyhealth@sasktel.net <epilepsyhealth%40sasktel.net>
> http://www.2betrhealth.com
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "itsme_imhere85" <itsme_imhere85@yahoo.com<itsme_imhere85%40yahoo.com>
> >
> To: <epilepsy@yahoogroups.com <epilepsy%40yahoogroups.com>>
> Sent: Tuesday, July 28, 2009 10:01 AM
> Subject: [epilepsy] Hi all. Newbie here!
> Hi all
> I'm pretty new to all this I only found out recently that i have epilepsy.
> After suffering two seizures. I
> don't no all the details of names etc yet as im still waiting on my mri and
> eeg tests.
> Both times i have had my fits i have felt funny for around half an hour
> before and
> suffered mini seizures at this point (one time i was in a taxi and when i
> realised what was going on i was
> highly embarrassed)!
> Then the main seizure will come and last 2-3 minutes, afterwards i have no
> memory of
> anything including who my partner is or my sons name, and i feel like crap
> for a couple of days.
> I also had to have my thyroid removed and they just cant seem to get my
> levels level! which is a pain and has
> caused me depression too.
> I can deal with all these things, but what does worry me is that the 2nd
> seizure i had, It was my little boy
> who found me on the bathroom floor, and that really upset me because he's
> only 3 and it must have scared the
> crap out of him.
> I have also applied for DLA, but am not sure what to expect bk from them? I
> was
> already out of work when these fits started happening because i have to
> care for my partner who was in a bad
> motorbike accident which has left him with no use in his left arm and
> shoulder and he's in constant agony.
> I hope no one minds me rambling on but no one else i know has any problems
> like this, and
> im starting to think if i have this many problems by 23 what will i be like
> at 50 or will i even be here???
> ------------------------------------
> Just a friendly reminder: Please remember to sign your post and remember to
> clean up messages when you reply
> to them. This is especially important if you are on digest. This not only
> helps out the list owner but, it
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