Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Re: [epilepsy] Breakthrough Seizures

Hi Amanda and a big welcome to the group. I normally are at this point in my life, reasonably under control.
Of late I have had a few breakthroughs though but my family doctor can tell immediately the trigger. One was
a few weeks after our daughter (wife and mother of 2 little ones) died unrepentantly, another was heat
related. I also have the grand mal in my sleep but a breakthrough can come for me any time.
Here is something to read on them:
I know when I change medication or even amount of dose, am not feeling well or the least little thing and it
makes me susceptible to them. This is why it is so important to keep your immune system in top notch order.
My story is in my ep. website just below here.
Some tips about nocturnal seizures that I have learned. (not sure how old your daughter is or if she lives
with you)
. should she live with you have her bedroom next to yours and keep doors open so you can hear.
. you can get special pillows that really help
. make sure there are no night stands or sharp related objects near her bed in case she sleeps on the edge and
can in her seizure roll off the bed hurting herself. I knocked my 2 front teeth out once, and the other time
a cut that required stitches just under my bottom lip. Still got the scar today years later.
Hope these little tips help.
Julie Hope
----- Original Message -----
From: "Amanda Rainey" <>
To: "epilepsy" <>
Sent: Tuesday, June 30, 2009 6:39 PM
Subject: [epilepsy] Breakthrough Seizures

Hi all,

Just wondering if any of you have had a " breakthrough" seizure. My daughter had one on Saturday that sent her
to the ER. Now they have her on her regular meds (Tegretol) 1tsp 2x a day and then a 1/2 tsp around 1400
(2pm). It was a grand mal seizure in her sleep. I HATE those, they scare me so bad. If any of you have had
these I would love to know. Thank you


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