Saturday, December 4, 2010

[epilepsy] Re: Seizures seeing from patterns/movements .


Hi Uhura,

Allot of the triggers of seizures you mention are from being light sensitive. I was very light sensitive! There are no meds. specifically for light sensitive people with epilepsy. I was always adjusting my heard and responses of knowing if I do this or that I will see light in ways I knew they could trigger a seizure. So very often simply stayed away from situations where I learned that light would trigger either an aura or seizure in time.

I never heard of a stress difference between NES and ES. Never heard that brought up before. Hope I helped in some way? Take care, keep a smile on your face!

Friends always, Steve

--- In, "UhuraC" <sacornelius@...> wrote:
> I have several questions. For the two most important questions, skip to the end and see the ones with the * by them.
> I do know I need to talk to my doctor so please don't just say to do that. What I am asking for is similar experiences, suggestions on specific things to tell him, and things like that.
> Seeing movements or patterns seems to trigger seizures. Is there a medicine that can lessen siezures specifically triggered by seeing patterns or movements? Lamictal doesn't have side effects for me-or so I thought. My sensitivity to light is increasing. Things seem bright and I notice things flicker more than I used to. My eye doctor once said that any medicine taken for something in the nervous system, will have an effect one one sense or another (hearing, sight, etc). I can't avoid seeing things like shadows flickering through trees, sign language, etc.
> You know how you blink hard/suddenly if you are in a completely dark room and the lights are turned on unexpectedly? That is what the seizures in the car feel like. Or are they seizures?
> *Is there a difference between NES and epileptic seizures that are increased by stress?
> * Is there a medicine that can decrease seizures caused by seeing patterns of movements?
> Thanks.

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