It can get depressing when you sit and wonder why you have to deal with it sometimes. I have wondered that myself, but anymore I just try to do things for others and forget my own problems and it helps me more doing that.Try not to worry so much about it and do things to make you happy. You are more than welcome to write and talk to me anytime. Take care.
---- cutesta_007 <cutesta_007@
> Thanks Tammy, I have both partial and grand mals but I have no idea
> how I ended up with epilepsy as I have nothing that I could relate
> myself to an injury that would cause it, I never use to let it get me
> down as I know that there are many that have far worse to deal with
> and in a way it helped me not to focus on the limitations of my
> abilities, but I feel quite hopeless a lot now-days so I gather
> depression has taken hold. I am grateful to have found this site and
> have found there was much I did not know and people facing the same
> challenges, whether they have epilepsy or care for someone with
> epilepsy, just to talk makes a lot of difference to so many. I hope
> to talk to you again, Thank You. Best Wishes and Good Health to All.
> Anne ;-) --- In
> epilepsy@yahoogroup
> >
> > Anne,
> >
> > Welcome to the group. I have complex partial seizures in the left
> temporal lobe. My seizures were from a head injury. Even if you
> haven't repleid to any of the messages until now, at least you got
> something out of them. It seems to me that is what being a part of
> this group is supposed to do. There is plenty of information and
> people who care about the way you feel. Glad you are here. If you
> need anything write anytime. Take care.
> >
> > Tammy
> > ---- cutesta_007 <cutesta_007@
> > > It has taken me a while before I could get myself together to
> introduce
> > > myself like I should have when I first replied to a post here, I
> have
> > > read many of the messages here and identify with so much that has
> been
> > > said and it does help to know that I am not just being stupid, I
> can
> > > see how this group can help many people to cope better even if it
> is
> > > just somebody to talk to but also there's some great information
> that
> > > people can make their mind on their direction of help.
> > > My name is Anne, I live in Perth Western Australia with my
> partner and
> > > I have had TL epilepsy for just over twenty years, as with many
> there
> > > has been the ups and downs of life living with epilepsy IE:
> trying to
> > > control seizures, discrimination and various health issues
> related to
> > > epilepsy. My seizures are not controlled and I have very little
> contact
> > > with the outside world these days except for my computer and it
> is
> > > resulting in me losing confidence in myself and not being able to
> > > communicate without being worried about how some are going to
> interpret
> > > what I have said, if I sound like a fool or I missed something
> and they
> > > think I am being rude? I have found here many have the same
> problems in
> > > different degrees and My heart goes out to everyone here going
> through
> > > difficult times, I hope that better times are ahead for all. Anne
> > >
> >

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