Saturday, February 28, 2009

[epilepsy] Re: New/Scared/Post-SZ

Wow ladies. Thank you thank you thank you for answering my questions
and putting my fears to rest. I was at work on Monday Feb 25th at
about 8:30 PM (I'm a 2nd shifter in a factory) when I had a grand mal.
I did not come around until about 30 minutes afterwards.
I don't know about anyone else but this just absolutely scares the
dickens out of me to regain conscienceness(sp) and have a room full of
strangers standing over the gurney calling my name. I felt the aura
coming on but chose to ignore it(very dumb). The rest of the week I've
felt jittery and nerved up. I was allowed to have Tuesday off from
work, so I got to get some rest. After reading your posts I feel like
these feelings are normal. Whew what a relief. It's nice to know that
this isn't just my problem. I don't mean for that to sound the way
that it came out, but I just couldn't put it any other way.
One more thing I want to ask. Do you ever feel like just bursting into
tears even up to a few days afterwards for no apparent reason? I'm
sorry to ramble on. Thanks so much Lana:)

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