I used to think that January and February were my depression
months. I don't any more.
I also have no reason to have EP but I have had it for 46
years. The sooner I accepted that fact the better off I
was and am.
I'm glad you are with us.
> Thanks Tammy, I have both partial and grand mals but I have no idea
> how I ended up with epilepsy as I have nothing that I could relate
> myself to an injury that would cause it, I never use to let it get me
> down as I know that there are many that have far worse to deal with
> and in a way it helped me not to focus on the limitations of my
> abilities, but I feel quite hopeless a lot now-days so I gather
> depression has taken hold. I am grateful to have found this site and
> have found there was much I did not know and people facing the same
> challenges, whether they have epilepsy or care for someone with
> epilepsy, just to talk makes a lot of difference to so many. I hope
> to talk to you again, Thank You. Best Wishes and Good Health to All.
> Anne ;-) --- In
> epilepsy@yahoogroup
>> Anne,
>> Welcome to the group. I have complex partial seizures in the left
> temporal lobe. My seizures were from a head injury. Even if you
> haven't repleid to any of the messages until now, at least you got
> something out of them. It seems to me that is what being a part of
> this group is supposed to do. There is plenty of information and
> people who care about the way you feel. Glad you are here. If you
> need anything write anytime. Take care.
>> Tammy
>> ---- cutesta_007 <cutesta_007@
>> > It has taken me a while before I could get myself together to
> introduce
>> > myself like I should have when I first replied to a post here, I
> have
>> > read many of the messages here and identify with so much that has
> been
>> > said and it does help to know that I am not just being stupid, I
> can
>> > see how this group can help many people to cope better even if it
> is
>> > just somebody to talk to but also there's some great information
> that
>> > people can make their mind on their direction of help.
>> > My name is Anne, I live in Perth Western Australia with my
> partner and
>> > I have had TL epilepsy for just over twenty years, as with many
> there
>> > has been the ups and downs of life living with epilepsy IE:
> trying to
>> > control seizures, discrimination and various health issues
> related to
>> > epilepsy. My seizures are not controlled and I have very little
> contact
>> > with the outside world these days except for my computer and it
> is
>> > resulting in me losing confidence in myself and not being able to
>> > communicate without being worried about how some are going to
> interpret
>> > what I have said, if I sound like a fool or I missed something
> and they
>> > think I am being rude? I have found here many have the same
> problems in
>> > different degrees and My heart goes out to everyone here going
> through
>> > difficult times, I hope that better times are ahead for all. Anne
>> >

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