Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Re: [Prince-4ever] question/the more to come?

ok I say this with love..
but the site was suppose to be january 2009

yet it wasnt until April so that should of gave them
plenty of time to test out the glitches and have
it nice and ready for us upon joining/77.00.

If you had a guest coming to your home you
wouldn't get your home all sweet and ready
with all the special preparations...
after they arrived now would you?

not to compare a website to your home
but you get my point Im hoping and for
those of us that have joined the site..
and for those that want to soon..
yes..we in spirit within his music
and all we share within his purple realm.

Yet seeing I have this unconditional love
for Princey..ok I will wait in sweet anticipation...
for him to serve us up just a little more
within his cyber home.

Peace Love and Music,

--- On Wed, 4/1/09, <> wrote:
From: <>
Subject: Re: [Prince-4ever] question
To: "Prince-4ever" <>
Date: Wednesday, April 1, 2009, 7:50 PM

I think the videos will be forthcoming guys I think in light of the tech problems they had we shiuld give it some time

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From: judy c
Date: Wed, 1 Apr 2009 10:44:44 -0700 (PDT)
To: <Prince-4ever@ yahoogroups. com>
Subject: Re: [Prince-4ever] lotusflow3r. com question

No there is no store!
No live concert video's either as told we
were going to have.

I hope in the future there will be.

peace love and music,

--- On Wed, 4/1/09, mistif671@aol. com <mistif671@aol. com> wrote:
From: mistif671@aol. com <mistif671@aol. com>
Subject: [Prince-4ever] lotusflow3r. com question
To: Prince-4ever@ yahoogroups. com
Date: Wednesday, April 1, 2009, 1:18 PM

Is there a store on the site where you can buy tee & things & do you have to be a member to buy them?


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