Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Re: [epilepsy] 24 Hour EEG?

Hi Pat,
I had a 24-hr EEG done and it can be very uncomfortable.  I went to the hospital aqnd they hooked all the electrodes to my head and had them taped like a 2 hr EEG would be only you will be given a box type monitor that you will need to carry with you at all times, not fun. I don't know whether you will be kept at the hospital but I was sent home and had to be very careful not to move during the night.  I went in the next day and they take the informtion off the machine and replace with a new one for the next day of activity.
I am on Medicare thank God, because the test was near $4,000 and on top of that is the neurologists bill which was another $4,000, but with my Mesicare my amount for each amounted to $400 each. Hope that helps but not likely. It's horrible what they charge.

--- On Tue, 3/31/09, pat040394 <> wrote:

From: pat040394 <>
Subject: [epilepsy] 24 Hour EEG?
Date: Tuesday, March 31, 2009, 10:34 PM

My Neurologist is suggesting sending me to another Physician for a 24 hour EEG. I have an appt with her in 2 days to discuss my options, one of which is upping my Lyrica to 500mg daily.

Of course I can look this test up on the Net; however; those of you who have been through this, what happens?

And, is it expensive?

Most of you know I am self pay [and have yet to be diagnosed with EP], so I imagine this test is outrageously financially demanding!

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