Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Re: [epilepsy] Surveys

There are 25 different kinds of szs

There isn't one description of EP. It depends what kind of sz you
have. I find a lot of info when I ask for Yahoo and then ask
for Epilepsy Ontario. It will tell you different kinds of sz and
what your body does when you have them. It will also tell you how
soon you drive after a sz.

June Hope from this group also has a website that gives a lot of
info. It is in blue at the end of her letter.


> Is it safe to use an email link to that.. anyone answer these>
>> my medication
> none for epilepsy though took some in the past
>> o medication & medicinal herbs
> any ideas anyone have as I'd rather not take drugs if don't have to..
>> o diet
> what a mess
>>what are the symptoms of epilepsy
> let me take a wild guess.. portions of a person get frozen like a computer
> monitor for a period of time
>>how many types of epilepsy are there?
> well over a 100.. though 3 categories are what I understand
> they fall into.. Grand Mal, Absense and Psychmotor.

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