Friday, October 2, 2009

[fast5] Re: Just started!


I am not entirely sure about the weakness and dizziness on fast-5, but I can say that when I started (back in april or so?) I ran into the same thing, and I still do on occasion. For me, it comes from lowered blood pressure in combination with other activities that may lower my blood pressure even further. I find if I take in a little something it would help a lot. I think a lot of it (for me) has to do with the quality of the food I am eating during my window. I've moved into a low-carb high-fat way of eating in conjunction with fast-5 and have not had any dizziness since I started. Like it was already said, I don't believe that fast-5 will drop you into an unhealthy weight zone, when your body is at a weight that is 'ideal' for it, it will stop losing (unless you dramatically starve it) and it becomes up to you to rebuild the percentages of what constitutes your body by gaining muscle mass and losing body fat (if that is what you want to do), you can change how you look but your body will dictate the minimum of what it considers a healthy weight. Getting enough protein during my window is key to me feeling full throughout the day, avoiding weakness/dizziness, and building more muscle strength. When you feel ready for maintenance, you will have to play around with the amount of food you eat/the window of time in which you eat. The quality of the food you eat will still be important. Really, you can become a bit more lenient but of course you cannot just go back to your 'old way' of eating. Hang in there. :)

--- In, Heather Twist <HeatherTwist@...> wrote:
> > thank you very much for all the advice. i am already starting to
> feel the settling in phase, and my binge eating urge is gone.  see i
> have been doing this in a less strict way over summer, which allowed
> me to shed around 18-20 pounds, which is why i am worried about
> dipping into a lower weight range which would be unhealthy for my
> body.  i felt slightly weak and dizzy the week before i started doing
> this, which is probably the main reason for my amping up of calorie
> intake and my current mentality.  what is the best way to maintain my
> weight after i reach my weight goal? will i keep on losing weight when
> i start? or will it plateau around a suitable weight range?
> If you feel weak and dizzy, yeah, I'd say something is wrong. It's not
> clear to me how to tell when or if this has to do with calorie intake
> per se. Most people seem to plateau at some weight ... it might not be
> the weight they picked as an ideal, but it's what their body wants to
> do. There is one person I know who was too skinny, and she *gained*
> weight on IF.
> But at some point you have to define exactly what "weight" you want to
> gain or lose. Your body is made up, generally, of muscle, fat, bone,
> and water. Of these, fat is the lightest weight (it actually weighs
> very little in comparison to it's bulk). Water is really easy to gain
> and lose, and it weighs a lot.
> Now, if you are concerned because you have too little *fat*, then how
> much fat do you want to have? You can check your fat percentage on a
> scale, and see if you are low. If you have too little fat, then yes,
> you need to eat more high-calorie foods.
> If you have too little muscle, the only way I know of to increase the
> bulk of muscle is to work out and get enough high-quality protein.
> Having too little bone weight is a very bad thing, but the only way I
> know to test for that is to get a dexa scan. And bone weight has to do
> with vitamins and minerals and exercise as much as anything else (and
> protein intake).
> Water and electrolytes can have a big effect on how you feel, but they
> aren't directly related to calories either (stored glycogen has lots
> of water in with it, so that does affect weight temporarily).
> Anyway, I'd probably work on "how you feel" and less on "how much you
> weigh" ... sounds like you are doing pretty well in general.

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