Saturday, October 31, 2009

[epilepsy] Re: son on Trileptal for 5 years- advice needed


If it aint broke don't fix it I say. If it is working and he still gas spikes on an EEG, be grateful. It has taken months for us to find the right level for my daughter. She has just had over 5 weeks with out a seizure and we are sooooo happy. What if when he goes off he has one and then you have to find that sweet spot of the right amount of meds. Tough I am sure, we had to make a similar decision tomake with my other daughter on something else regarding surgery or cont. meds. So I totaly sympothize with you. Let us know what happens and best of luck with what ever you decide.

--- In, "calberto22" <calberto22@...> wrote:
> hi all,
> my son had a grand mal seizure at 4. He's never had another
> one. He is now 9 years old and weighs 65 pounds. He's on trileptal
> twice daily, 150 mg morning and another in the evening.
> anyway, we do EEG's 1x a year. they always come out w spikes. so i went to the neuro today and he said we had 3 choices 1) stop giving him Trileptal and hope that he doesn't have another seizure since he only had 1 and has not had a recurrence in 5 years 2) keep doing the same thing since he has not had another recurrence which is 150mg Trileptal in the morning and another in the evening or 3) increase his dosage to 300mg in the morning and 300mg in the evening which is the dosage he is supposed to be taking. he said either decision would be fine since he has not had a recurrence in 5 years.
> it's a tough call bc his EEG still shows spikes. it's a risk to take him off the meds bc he may have a recurrence but we'll never know if we don't try. from my side, i don't want another seizure, but i also don't like him on meds. he's been on the them 5 years and he's never had another seizure. it's a difficult decision for me. just wanted to get your advice. thanks!

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