Thursday, October 29, 2009

[epilepsy] Re: WebEase: Epilepsy Awareness Support and Education


--- In, "yvantoo" <yvantoo@...> wrote:
> Are you interested in learning more about how to manage your epilepsy? WebEase is an internet program designed to help you take your medications on time, manage stress, and improve sleep habits. By participating in this research study, you could earn a gift card worth up to $20.
> Click this link to learn more about WebEase!
> The WebEase research study is based at the Rollins School of Public Health at Emory University and this message was approved by Emory's Institutional Review Board.
>I have a VNS inplant & have had it for about 5 years & with my medcation has help me lower the # of SEIZURES I have from 3 to 5 a month to 4 a year all members ask your doctor about VNS thearpy it might help you any who does look into this & get the operation let me & this SITE know how your doing after the operastion

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