Thursday, October 29, 2009

Re: [epilepsy] What type of seizures is Topomax used for?


Agree with you Jason - I was given by my neurologist a med for my RLS and cramping in my legs if you want to
call it that. He was concerned it wasn't making me sleep well at night. My legs and feet with the RLS
appeared much better and my family doctor had lowered the dose and told me could take only when needed type of
thing. OH YEH....real good idea. We went on a camping trip with family - never took that med with me as why
didn't need it and would be having so much fun and relaxed etc. Had a seizure each night that was there!! I
soon figured out that it was also a AED, even though just the generic. When told family doctor she nearly had
a fit and told me that is one drug you do not go off without going off very slowly, also that had taken long
enough that it had blended itself in with the rest of my drugs becoming part of them, reason for the seizures.
Julie Hope
----- Original Message -----
From: "Jason" <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, October 29, 2009 3:12 PM
Subject: Re: [epilepsy] What type of seizures is Topomax used for?

If a good anticonvulsant weren't also good for migraines then I might be a
little suspicious. From a neurological standpoint migraines actually
resemble seizures a lot. You're currently taking Lamictal. My migraineuse
wife takes that too now (tiny dose compared to me) and says that Lamictal
really helps her migraines.

(Are you sure you're not having migraines? With auras, pain on one side of
the head, throbbing, nausea, sensitivity to light and sound, and a duration
over 4 hours? I'm believing you know they're not migraines for sure though
we might be wrong.)

A drug that targets a single neurotransmitter or a single type of sodium
channel or whatever is going to cause all kinds of things to happen. The
channel type could be implicated in binge eating and depression as well as
seizures. Brains are kooky.

Just because a drug is used for X doesn't mean it isn't any good for Y. Even
if you don't have a type of headache that Topomax is used for, the Topomax
might still be indicated for seizures (and prescribed for that purpose,
independently of your headache pain).

I've never taken Topomax. I've heard of people getting little "spaced"
moments on it though.


On Thu, Oct 29, 2009 at 1:46 PM, pierce407720032003 <>wrote:

> And what else is it used for? I'd like to know more before agreeing to
> take it. Whether or not my doctor gives it to me depends on the blood test
> results for the Lamictal I had the other day.
> So far I've read that Topomax is also used for things like binge eating,
> emotional problems, migraines, and other things. I do have a prescription
> pain killer since over the counter ones don't work. I take it for normal
> headaches, not migraines.
> I now wonder if when I told my doctor normal pain killers don't work, he
> somehow thought I said they weren't strong enough. I told him they don't
> work for normal headaches and said nothing about migraines, which I don't
> have.
> Any comments or answers?
> Thanks.

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