Friday, October 30, 2009

RE: [epilepsy] Numbness in leg a seizure?


Hi Terry, The leg numbness maybe a pinched nerve or something, have you
tried a good Acupuncturist? I sent you a private email just now too. I had a
problem like that with neck, right arm and right side of my face for almost
a year and nothing helped until I finally tried Acu. Just a thought, Pat D.

Good question! I also go to a pain specialist and have spinal stenosis. I
have had two resatomys, in the cervical and the thorax area. I have one
scheduled in the lumbar for dec. 8th. What this does is cauterize the bad
nerves, so you wont have as much pain or numbness in those areas. This is
temporary, lasting 9 months to 2 yrs.

I have had ep all my life and now with all the falls, ect with the grand
mals and other types of szs, I have arthritis in many of the joints. Guess
who has arthritis in the spine? What fun! I am 47 yrs old but the drs have
told me that the body I have is in its 60s. Life really sucks sometimes! I
am sure that if they have not told you yet, you probably do have arthritis
in certain areas. My pain spec. said that with all the falls, you injure
your back, damaging cartlidge, which then gets replaced with arthritis. They
expect me to be in a wheel chair by my 60s. I don't think its really a sz in
itself, but one of those wonderful side effects from the sz. I do hope you
feel better. It does sound like the numbness in leg, ect is from the sciatic


From: Terry Martin
Sent: Thursday, October 29, 2009 11:51 PM
To: epilepsy@yahoogroup <>
Subject: [epilepsy] Numbness in leg a seizure?

Hi Everyone,

I had an appointment with a pain specialist today because I have been having
a lot of lower back pain, and I have moderate spinal stenosis in the lumbar
area. I have also been having numbness in my left leg at times. The doctor
seemed very interested in the types of seizures that I have and asked about
the meds I am taking and when my last EEG was. Could numbess in my leg be a
type of seizure? It comes and goes and there is no specific type of movement
that seems to bring it on. I was diagnosed with grand mal and absence
seizures, which have been controlled. I have had auras occasionally but they
have not been followed by a seizure. This took me by surprise and now I am
concerned that it may be a type of seizure. Does anyone know if this could
be related to epilepsy or is it more likely to be related to problems with
my lower back? Thank you and take care.


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